Social Media Assistant
Social Media and Blog Postings for Real Estate Professionals
At ListingsToGo, we put together your complete online marketing solution, including posting to Facebook and Twitter and creating blog posts for your website.
We post customized content for your Facebook feed that is interesting and relevant and let you spend your time doing the real estate work you love to do.
With Social Media Assistant, we create and post two Facebook posts per week. We also offer custom blog posts to bring engaging content to your users and drive more traffic to your website.
We make it easy as 1-2-3 and make you look great to your audience while increasing engagement.
Each blog of approximately 300 words is unique and created in collaboration with you. Blogs are emailed to you as a draft and posted after edited and/or approved.
The blog URL is posted on Facebook with an appropriate introduction to the content.
We work with you personally to make sure you are connected properly to optimize your social media and blogging engagement and drive new leads into your system.
We also manage your Facebook advertising and can push your Facebook postings directly into Twitter.
The blog URL is posted on Facebook with an appropriate introduction to the content.
Each blog is approximately 300 words.
The blog URL is posted on Facebook with an appropriate introduction to the content.